

Passengers in airplanes, you would think, do not do anything strange but they do. In fact, here are 21 of them doing something totally inappropriate, strange or just down right rude to those that are sitting around them. You should keep the other passengers in mind during your flight, but clearly these passengers do not really care what those around them like.

This guy clearly does not care that someone is sitting behind him and just decided to take up the space by resting. This is putting the person behind him in a cramped space. Not how I’d want to spend my flight!

kids kicking the backs of airplane seats is something that happens all too often sadly. This does not discourage parents from not telling them to not do so. If you’re a parent, control your kids!

When the seat is too small, what do you do when it comes to sitting next to the person, on either side? This is a big question and it seems as though this guy is working it out on his own, even if it means taking up the walkway.

Kids are always welcome on flights, but when they are making their music, playing with their loud toys and just being all over you; you have to put your foot down. No one wants to go many hours with a child you do not know screaming at you.

People bending around, over or under the chair to just speak with someone they know. This can be annoying on so many levels, especially if you’re trapped in the middle with nowhere else to go.

We all know that one person that absolutely cannot leave without bringing the largest of all carry on bags in the world. These are the people that seem like they know it is going to fit, and it is not. What do they have inside those bags

Trying to watch a movie? No problem, this guy is going to be able to see it too. He is going to stand up and make sure no one else within the flight is going to watch it, since he cannot see, you know.

The guy that has to stand up every minute or two to check something in his bag, to get something, to speak with someone, to walk down the aisle, to go to the bathroom and to do whatever else he feels necessary during the flight. Just sit down already!

That passenger that is forever on their phone, even when they shouldn’t be could be next to you. They could have it up loud or just making calls or texting on it, when they shouldn’t be. This can put the nervous passenger in even more anxiety.

Babies are always welcomed on flights, and this means that you could be sitting next to one that just doesn’t want to be there. The baby could be screaming and crying and you just have no escape until the flight lands. Let’s hope your tickets for the flight back are not the same as theirs.

The person that you cannot quite tell what they are thinking when it comes to sitting next to them. Do they really think that you would feel comfortable with them being half dressed and wearing something weird on their head? We can’t quite know for sure.

Speaking of uncomfortable. This guy seemed to have been uncomfortable with his clothes and stripped them all off. who would have thought being on an airplane would be so relaxing, and so peaceful that you could just take your clothes right off!

Food on the table, and someone’s foot right next to it. This is a no go anywhere you are, especially if you do not know the person that the foot belongs too. You want to make sure that you never encounter them anywhere you go.

The person with the pooch that wants to go, go, go and not stay still. We understand that you love your pets and you do not want them down with the luggage but make sure that they are a pet that knows how to sit still when required.

Excuse me, I just need to get in and out of the seat over and over again. These people, especially if they are bigger can become quite an annoying problem when it comes to having to sit next to them. You will have to squish up many different times to let them in or out.

The person that we just do not know what they are doing can sometimes be bothersome. When they are sitting there picking at their feet, and you’re just watching, talk about gross. These people should keep these things that they do private.

The person that wants their privacy but then entangles you in their web of privacy. This can not only be annoying to you, but it can be annoying to those in the front seats and back seats that also have to deal with the web.

The person that has headphones on and are singing or saying everything really loud because they cannot hear themselves. This is one person that can give you a headache while trying to relax while on a flight.

The large person that is all limbs in your space. This person can seem monstrous compared to the seat, which means that their legs and arms have to go somewhere – why not in your seat, as well?

The person that screams for the flight attendant to come and give them drinks or food. This is the person that you want to push out of the chair and out of your row. You do not want to sit next them.

The person that likes to push on the back of your seat by using their knees to get them in the sitting back position. This person should be banned from the flight, but it happens to many people each and every year, on many different flights.

Q1: What's the behavior you dislike most in your flight or ride to somewhere else? Is there any story behind your feelings?



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