
Q1:Do you believe "gut feeling"? When you have to make a  decision, do you often decide it depends on gut feelings or after serious thought ?

1. Having a gut feeling isn't just folklore
2. You're literally feeling things from your gut and also other organs
3. Yeah it's pretty nifty
4. Hey everyone. Amy with you on DNews today
5. and I've got a feeling you're gonna like this episode and odds are my gut is right on that
6. So let's start with the gut part of the whole gut feeling thing
7. It's kinda gross to think about but our bodies are teeming with bacteria
8. This is the microbiome you've probably heard about
9. Most of those bacteria live in the gastrointestinal tract
10. but we colloquially refer to as the gut
11. These bacteria regulate digestion and metabolism, extract vitamins and nutrients from food, and
program the body's immune system
12. But there's so much more going on
13. This complex bacterial ecosystem has prompted the gut to evolve a complex neural network called the
enteric nervous system
14. which is so ridiculously sophisticated it's sometimes called the second brain
15. This network of over 100 million neurons can even function when it loses connection to the brain
16. And the gut brain connection goes both ways
17. Gut bacteria produce neurochemicals that regulate basic physiological and mental processes
18. influencing things like memory and mood
19. and the brain affects the microbiome
20. Psychological stress can suppress certain helpful bacteria, making you more likely to get sick
21. This two-way communication is part of a larger network of inter-body talk
22. The brain connecting to the gut through neural networks and also your ability to recognize this
connection is an example of something called interoception
23. This is a sense of self-identity beyond knowing what self-help books call the "real you"
24. It's the sensing of physiological signals that originate within the body and carry information to the
25. Things like body temperature, breathlessness, and heart rate that ultimately give you an indication of
states like hunger, thirst, pain, and anxiety
26. Whether we're consciously aware that our body is sending these signals
27. they happen particularly when we're making risky decisions
28. They send information to the brain and affect the way we make decisions
29. so what you think of as a gut feeling is actually you responding to those subtle cues
30. A recent study from the University of Cambridge took interoception into the real world and looked at
its role in successful financial trading
31. a career notorious for acting on gut instincts
32. The researchers measured 18 male traders' abilities to detect subtle changes in their physiological state
by heartbeat detection test
33. how well they could count their own resting heart rate without using a pulse point
34. Admittedly this is a small sample size but these eighteen men were better able to count their heart rate
than non-traders
35. and within the group, those with the higher score were also better traders who survived longer in the
financial world, earning more money than their less body-aware peers
36. So in this case, interoceptive ability does correlate to good decisions in a risky environment but
correlation isn't causation

37. Just because you can pretty accurately measure your heart rate doesn't mean you will make millions
38. Other interoceptive studies have found people's ability to detect their heart rate increases during times
of stress
39. so the correlation from traders could just be an awareness honed from years in the industry
40. But it's also the case that professionals who practice in the field can manage their stress better
41. So traders might not be experiencing the stress reaction of an increased heart rate or it could be
something totally different
42. Maybe successful traders with money use their downtime to work out which could help them develop
keener sense of body awareness
43. In any case, the results do show a link between better body awareness to interoceptive cues and good
decisions in risky environments
44. So maybe there's something to be said for trusting your gut
45. And speaking of guts, our guts do a lot more for us than we think
46. Wanna know more? Trace has a video all about how scientists can actually program our gut bacteria to
fight harmful infections
47. Check it out here
48. Medical researchers took it and reprogrammed the bacteria to fight P. aeruginosa
49. This new synthetic E.coli is like a hunting dog tracking down P. aeruginosa and attacking its biofilms
with enzymes in antimicrobial peptide. Boom! Double agent
50. So how many of you guys tend to go through gut? Let us know in the comments below
51. Don't forget to like this video and subscribe so you never miss an episode of DNews



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