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source:   http://www.djiboutijones.com/2014/02/dont-send-your-used-shoes-to-africa-or-maybe-do-send-them/

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Q1: Share about your echo chamber.

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Q1: Are you the person who can sleep well easily?

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Q1. Are you an aggressive driver? Does driving make you angry?

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Q1: Which one you prefer, tea or coffee? Why? 

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source: http://www.starlitcitadel.com/games/lists/top-ten-board-games

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source: http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/technology/2017/07/newspapers_stand_against_facebook_is_the_right_hill_to_die_on.html

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Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-110102/Ten-reasons-summer-good-you.html

Q1 : Do you like summer? If not, which season do you like ?

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source : https://www.economist.com/news/united-states/21724850-it-striking-how-often-self-made-americans-have-stories-tell-about-boring-summer

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Q1. Do you have a shopping buzz? What condition will make you purchase something impulsively?

Q2. What do you usually do to improve your bad mood?

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Q1: Are you a forgetful person? If yes, could you share your example? If not, did you ever hear someone who is very forgetful?

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Q1: What time do you usually go to sleep? Are you a person fall asleep quickly?

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Q1: Kindly share few goals you have set recently and how would you achieve ?

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Q. Did you find any awe recently? Perhaps you can share your experience of these three situations: 

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source:  http://mentalfloss.com/article/24293/why-are-barber-poles-red-white-and-blue

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Q1: Are you a vegetarian? If yes, why you become a vegetarian? If not, do you know any one as vegetarian?

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This article is about game streamer, but we can discuss about any type streamer.

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source: http://nautil.us/issue/45/power/the-anatomy-of-charisma

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source: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/02/style/modern-love-making-a-marriage-magically-tidy.html?mabReward=A7&recp=2

Q1: Are you a tidy person? what makes you so tidy?

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source: http://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2017/06/lying-hoax-false-fibs-science/ 

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