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Why time seems to go by more quickly as we get older? One research said the slowing of our metabolism as we get older matches the slowing of our heartbeat and our breathing. Children’s biological pacemakers beat more quickly, meaning that they experience more biological markers (heartbeats, breaths) in a fixed period of time, making it feel like more time has passed.


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Source: http://money.cnn.com/2017/02/17/news/thailand-sadvertising-digital/index.html?sr=fbCNN022017thailand-sadvertising-digital0530AMStoryLink&linkId=34668754

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source: https://theringer.com/how-the-like-button-took-over-the-internet-ebe778be2459#.lrgz7w9mt

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You can choose questions below to answer.

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source:  http://digg.com/video/lottery-happiness

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source:  https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/shortcuts/2017/jan/08/buddha-branding-buddhists-religion-philosophy-year-anxious

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Ted Talk: How megacities are changing the map of the world 


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From: http://www.chinahighlights.com/travelguide/special-report/chinese-new-year/


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Source: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-16834258

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I can't find the article which is highly relevant to our weiya culture. We can use this article as reference material to help us discussing everyone's experience.

Q. How is your company's weiya? Do you like it or not? Could you tell us some features of your company's weiya?

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source: http://www.eater.com/2017/1/5/14180092/pete-wells-locol-review
populist: n. 平民主義者 ;  a.平民主義的

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  • 這篇文章限定好友觀看。

source:  http://nautil.us/blog/attitude-not-quantity-makes-homework-effective

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source: http://vinepair.com/articles/budweiser-tastes-like-nothing-thats-makes-beautiful/

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Q1. Have you ever take the Uber? Share your experience.

Q2. Do you like the "Uber-like" business? Why? or Why not?



Seek ways to welcome ‘Uber-like’ businesses


By Lee Ker-tsung 李克聰

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source: http://www.wikihow.com/Get-Into-the-Spirit-of-Christmas-when-You-Don%27t-Feel-It-Any-More

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Q1. What's your opinion about the clsoe down of the TransAsia? What did it do to the aviation industry?


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Source: http://www.smosh.com/smosh-pit/articles/souvenirs-are-supposedly-bad-luck-tourists-take-home

Q. Do you usually buy souvenir for your friends, family, or youself? 

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Q1. Have you ever been to a concert? Do you have any special memory to share with us?

Q2. What kind of music do you like? How often do you listen music? Do you have any listening habits?

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