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source : http://www.apextribune.com/plucking-all-your-hairs-may-be-a-good-solution-to-baldness/23462/

As strange and painful as it may seem, according to a new study published on April 9 in the journal Cell, plucking hairs may be a good way to fight baldness. It seems that not only the removed hairs grow back, but new ones sprout nearby.

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[Source]: http://jeffsanders.com/top-10-habits-of-successful-people/

toddywang555 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear All

Here are 3 simple quizzes to test if you would be tricked by your intuition:

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Hi all,


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source: http://time.com/53748/how-to-motivate-people-4-steps-backed-by-science/

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Dear All, 

Recently I read an article about a serious issue of our National pension system because of the low birth rate which will also cause shortage of workforce in the future.

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Hello, everyone:

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Hi guys,


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Hi, guys, I have a gathering in 18:00~20:00, and will show up around at 20:15.

The article of my part is as following.

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source: http://www.npr.org/blogs/ed/2015/02/18/382657240/a-sophisticated-version-of-guess-the-grape-but-is-it-a-sport?utm_medium=RSS&utm_campaign=storiesfromnpr

As the 500-year-old bell tower tolls, about 25 students from the University of Oxford cross a medieval cobblestone street. They duck under a stone archway and slip into a room named after T.S. Eliot, who studied here a century ago.

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Dear all:

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Dear All,


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Hi, guys, 

Please watch this video,  

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Hi guys,


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source: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/22/health/study-shows-brain-stores-seemingly-trivial-memories-just-in-case.html?&_r=0

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source:  http://www.ted.com/talks/cameron_russell_looks_aren_t_everything_believe_me_i_m_a_model#t-527962

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Dear All,

Here is my reference for the next meeting.

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