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Hi, all, I choose one article as the material of my part this week.

Q1: Why does the history that your parents hate your spouse repeat always? 

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Source: http://www.wikihow.com/Be-Safe-in-a-Foreign-Country

Question1: Do you have some dangerous  experince during traveling? Share with us.

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source : http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/21/magazine/folkwisdom.html?_r=0

olitics is a folksy business. We know politicians are real folks who care about real folks because they are always using the word “folks”: city folks, country folks, hardworking folks, younger folks, older folks, black folks, white folks; even “very kind folks in the media” (says Ted Cruz), “folks who are here undocumented” (Chris Christie) and “folks” who don’t “have a full regard for the right to privacy” (Rand Paul).

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source: http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2015/06/theyre-grreeaat-the-enduring-charm-of-advertising-characters/396233/

We’re all susceptible to their lure. They infiltrate our subconsciousness, colonize our homes, and supply us with everything from food to footwear, and in return we become loyal devotees. Such is the power of hundreds, even thousands, of advertising characters that help brands cultivate images of wholesome goodness—the Pillsbury Doughboy, Jolly Green Giant, Stay Puff Marshmallow Man, and Charlie the Tuna

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source: http://www.viralated.com/21-airplane-passenger-fails-you-never-want-to-sit-next-to-them/

Passengers in airplanes, you would think, do not do anything strange but they do. In fact, here are 21 of them doing something totally inappropriate, strange or just down right rude to those that are sitting around them. You should keep the other passengers in mind during your flight, but clearly these passengers do not really care what those around them like.

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This week we will gather in 復興銅猴子. you are free to join or take a week off

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Hi, all, I choose two article as the materials of my part this week.

Q1: Share your method to deal with your photo, including which kind of camera and any kind of photo-editing software.

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source: http://www.ted.com/talks/guy_winch_the_case_for_emotional_hygiene?language=en

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Topic for this week  

Sorry for being super late, I did't  notice that I am the host this week. Plz watch the video and think about the questions below!

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Hi, all, I choose two article as the materials of my part this week.

Q1: Have you already bought one apple watch or any other kind of smartwatch? or will you buy one in the future? Why?

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Hello,everyone, I am sorry that I post the article so late.


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These two ultra short articles would be our topic in the session:

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Hi all,


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source : http://www.mid-day.com/articles/is-being-cooped-up-in-school-cause-of-myopia-epidemic/16091169

London: Myopia, or short-sightedness, has assumed 'epidemic' proportions in the last 30 years, with some countries reporting prevalence of 80-90 percent - and the reason could simply be lack of adequate light in classrooms. Richard Hobday, an authority on sunlight and health, has in a new study compared myopia to bone disease rickets, caused by the lack of Vitamin D that you get from sunlight.

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Hi, all, I choose two related articles. You don’t have to read them. If yes, that will be better.

<From first article>

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Vedio Link: http://www.ted.com/talks/joshua_foer_feats_of_memory_anyone_can_do?language=en&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_content=awesm-publisher&utm_medium=on.ted.com-facebook-share&utm_campaign&awesm=on.ted.com_c0SJQ


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Dear All,

Here is an article about Bhutan, the world's happiest country:

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source: http://www.modernreaders.com/study-suggests-happy-sweat-makes-those-around-you-more-joyful/23817/ed-jones

Let’s be honest – it’s not very often any us walks past a person clearly in need of a hygiene lesson and feels the urge to grin with pure, unbridled happiness. But if new research published this weekend in the journal Psychological Science is anything to go by, the sweat we produce when we ourselves are in a happy state of mind could make those around us picking up the pong feel happier as a result.

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Hello Guys,


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